COVID19 Information & Resources

National Coronavirus Hotline: 1800 020 080
For information about COVID-19 or COVID-19
vaccines – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Helpful Resource: What do you do if you have COVID19?
Testing Locations: Up to date testing locations with opening hours.
COVID Symptom Checker: Find out if you need to get tested or seek medical help.
Vaccine Clinic Finder: Book a COVID-19 vaccine at a clinic near you that suits your needs.
Restriction Checker: Find out what you can and can’t do in your state or territory.
Managing Mild COVID-19 at Home with Assistance from your GP: For patients who have tested positive to COVID-19 and are being cared for at home with assistance from their GP.
Healthdirect Australia: Guidance for people that have tested positive to COVID-19, including links to specific information for states and territories.
Vaccine Side Effect Checker: Check any side effects after your vaccination.
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